Succeeding in the New Normal

We are all living the “new normal” in our work environments. Whether you are a lumber yard, glass shop, distributor or manufacturer, everyone in the supply chain is feeling the effects of being understaffed, utilizing limited resources and working on reduced budgets. We all appear to be working harder for results, but the results seem too few and far between. I have found that if I lose focus in the following two critical areas, I am less likely to achieve my goals.

  1. Priorities: With the pressures of the time, every day brings new opportunities and challenges. We must continue to reprioritize and personally evaluate our efforts. In this current economic environment, it is easy to become distracted with things that don’t support your company’s mission or strategy. Operational excellence is more than a manufacturing term. It can be applied to each and every one of us in everything we do.
  2. Be a Difference Maker: Sales people generally understand this concept. Being a difference maker in sales is standing in the gap for the customer. Adding value and expertise is what we do. But yet I think we can go beyond the customer. What about your coworkers and business associates? In the pressures of the day, it is easy to fall into the silo syndrome. We are so busy that we fail to see the struggles of people we work with. Remember the acronym, T.E.A.M., short for Together Everyone Achieves More? If you believe that - and I do - then the person next to you needs your help. They might be faced with a certain challenge or need a simple word of encouragement. By offering assistance now, you may also be more likely to benefit from that same spirit of teamwork when the person who needs help in the future is you. Are you adding value to the relationships around you today?

The holiday season is upon us and this would be a great time to become a difference maker. I challenge and encourage you to reach out to someone around you. We are a TEAM and we can accomplish great things TOGETHER!