Pinnacle Casement Frame Changes to Address Energy Star v6.0

For the past 3 years, Energy Star version 6.0 has been at the forefront of product discussions at Windsor. It started in 2012 with the initial criteria and industry feedback/comments to the EPA, and finally launched in January of this year for all zones except the Northern Zone.

Version 6.0 criteria has brought about a number of product changes at Windsor, including triple glazed Select casements and awnings, triple glazed Pinnacle clad direct sets and radius units and a thermally broken Pinnacle clad outswing patio door frame.

In January 2016, the Northern zone version 6.0 criteria will go into effect, prompting Windsor to implement the final product change to meet the new criteria. 

Later this year, Windsor will be changing the Pinnacle clad and Pinnacle Select casement and awning frames to a thermally broken frame system. Similar to the Pinnacle clad outswing thermally broken frame introduced earlier this year, the Pinnacle clad and Select frame will incorporate a non-metallic thermal break on all 4 sides of the frame.

This new thermally broken frame will allow all Pinnacle Select and clad casement and awning products to meet the Northern zone criteria with Dual Low-E IG and air.

We will follow up with more details and a product bulletin of this exciting enhancement later this year as we get closer to the launch date in December.