Windsor's Mission

To help our distributors sell more quality window and door units by setting the industry standard for being “easy to do business with.”

Scott Renke

At Windsor, we are focused on this mission statement throughout the year. Many thoughts come to my mind as we think through the meaning of these words. Are we really easy to do business with, or is ETDBW just a company’s feel-good slogan, reminiscent of the season’s political campaigns? Does being ETDBW mean saying “yes” to every customer inquiry? Does it mean trying to be all things to all people?

As we evaluate the meaning, we have determined that ETDBW is rooted in customer relationships. The importance in building strong bonds with our distributors goes beyond just windows and doors. This is the very foundation of ETDBW for Windsor. It’s not always being perfect, but it is striving to delight the customer through their purchase experience. We readily admit to falling short of our goals on occasion, and this year has been no exception. There have been aspects of 2014 that have been challenging, but at the same time it has been very rewarding see our customers succeed.

As this year comes to an end, we reflect on our accomplishments and on our shortcomings. And as we embark into a new year, we renew our commitment to being ETDBW. We will to continue to look for ways to pleasantly surprise our customers with the quality of our products and our commitment to service, and to never take for granted the importance of our relationship. Thank you for your business.

Scott Renke — Director of Sales at Windsor Windows & Doors