The Employee Home Make-overs Continue

Windsor employees have been eager to resume the Employee Home Makeover program now that business is getting back to normal, and we have had a flurry of activity this fall…

North Carolina Recipients

Erika Hamilton is one of the HR representatives at Windsor’s Monroe, North Carolina location. She and her husband, Stone, were the lucky recipients of new windows. Erika’s co-workers were able to build and install replacement windows on September 27.  The Hamiltons’ home has been fully renovated, except for the windows, so Erika applied for an EHM to complete the package. The renovation involved replacing 14 Revive CPVC Sash and one Picture window. The former windows were single pane, with no screens and were not operational. The replacements will provide not only a clean new look, but improved energy efficiency, more environmental sound control inside the home, and screens that will allow Erika and Stone to open the windows and enjoy the beautiful North Carolina weather! We congratulate Erika and Stone on their recent nuptials and on being selected to receive this wonderful housewarming gift!

Another Employee Home Makeover was completed on October 12 for Olivia Gomez and her husband, Jose.  Olivia is a 10-year employee of our Grille Department and specializes in preparing the grilles that get applied to our products. Olivia and her family moved into a new home in 2020 and found there were more repairs needed than expected. The EHM team selected Olivia to receive new windows and a patio door. For this home makeover, 10 Revive CPVC Sash Replacement Kits were installed along with a Pinnacle Clad French Sliding Door with screens. The new windows and door will provide a much more energy efficient and safe home for Olivia’s family.

Iowa Plant Recipients

Alex Mora submitted a request for a new deck on the front of his home. He previous deck was badly decayed and unstable. Alex was selected to receive a Windsor home makeover. During several days in mid-October, the front entry to his home was completely rebuilt.  Alex is a longtime Windsor employee with nearly 10 years of experience with our company. In that time, he has worked in several areas and has a great knowledge of our vinyl business. He currently serves as the line lead on our Vinyl Casement line. Many of his co-workers worked several days to give Alex an entirely new outdoor living space. Alex said it was the deck of his dreams and several of his co-workers are looking forward to hanging out with him on this incredible new deck.

The second Iowa home makeover was awarded to Efren Gonzalez. Efren works on Windsor’s Pinnacle double hung line. He builds beautiful windows every day for others. This time, it was Efren’s turn to transform his home with new windows. The Home Makeover Team worked two full days in late October to replace the windows in his home… just in time to protect his family from the cold Iowa winter. Efren was very grateful to receive this significant enhancement to his home that will improve his family’s comfort and increase his property’s value.

Nothing makes us prouder than to be able to provide the building materials that will improve the homes and lives of our employees. And to see so many employees pitching in and volunteering their time, energy and building skills to help a fellow employee… Well, there’s just nothing better than that.