Thrifty Building Supply Undergoes Rebranding

Thrifty Building Supply was established by Farrell Evans nearly 40 years ago. In 1984, they developed a niche that met the demand for building products for simple structures like sheds and barns. Since their inception, they have grown and changed from a small building supply company to the premier building provider in their region. One thing that will never change is their dedication to putting their customers’ needs first. Their commitment to their clients has gone beyond supplying materials. They partner with their customers to ensure the entire project runs smoothly.

Richard Cooper has worked in the business most of his career. He started with Thrifty in early 2004 and was responsible for starting a window and door division. One of his first calls was to the Windsor rep. He was familiar with the Windsor brand from previous experience in the industry and felt partnering with us would be instrumental in getting the window and door division up and running. During the following decade, Richard worked side-by-side with every member of Thrifty and learned all that he could about the various positions within the company. He became a co-owner in October of 2015 and recently became the sole-owner, earning the reputation of being one of the hardest working individuals in the industry.

When Richard became the owner, he evaluated his company’s position in the marketplace and determined that the current name no longer aligned with their standing in the industry. To grow and become the company they envision, he felt it was time for a change. Finding a name that would demonstrate the strength and loyalty they’ve exhibited for nearly four decades was not an easy task. After a great deal of research and soul searching, they selected an identity that suits them perfectly. Going forward, the company will be known as Maximus Building Supply. Maximus is the Latin word for “greatest,” a name that was first given to Richard’s dog, a Cane Corso, who has become the inspiration for Maximus Building Supply.

Richard speaks about his company with great pride, “Maximus fits our company well because we believe we have the greatest team assembled — a team who provides the greatest service to our clients. And we’re not just talking about our sales team or our executive team, we mean everyone — our drivers, yard guys, warehouse workers, administrators and coordinators. Our team is the greatest because we all have one thing in mind, servicing our clients’ every need.”

Over the years, Richard and this company have demonstrated an extraordinary dedication to the Windsor brand. Since 2015, they’ve increased their sales each year with this year being their highest sales yet. In addition, they’ve demonstrated their commitment to Windsor in many ways: 

  • Donating all the lumber, windows, doors and trim to St. Jude Dream Home,  the largest donation to the Dream Home
  • Promoting “Windsor Wednesday” every week on their Instagram page
  • Sending their employees to attend Windsor University in Sept 2021 and again in April 2022
  • Richard and his wife, Amee, made a trip to Windsor’s Monroe, NC plant and received a personal tour from Mark Rieser and Scott Renke in April 2022
  • Facilitating a Windsor Service Class for their service techs in June 2022 
  • Sponsoring a Windsor sales contest, awarding the top salesperson with a fishing trip 
  • Sending a group of their local architects and builders to the West Des Moines plant in June of 2022
  • Sending another group of builders for a visit later this fall 
  • And, they’re sending two more employees to Windsor University this month!


We appreciate the loyalty and dedication that Richard and his team have demonstrated to Windsor Windows & Doors. We wish them the best as they establish their new identity and forge ahead into the next chapter of their business.